
Monday, April 24, 2017

Mommy Style Monday: Me Time

Happy Monday!  Hope everyone had a good weekend!  Today I am collaborating with some other ladies on the topic of "Me Time".

Before Thomas was born, we had established a good routine of my husband taking the kids out of the house for a few hours every once in a while I got caught up on housework.  While that was always refreshing to catch up on chores and actually formulate complete thoughts and finish tasks (impossible to stay on task with kids around), I also found it helpful for ME to get out of the house!  When Thomas gets a little older, I'd like to make it a priority to go to the coffee shop or library at least once a month by myself and focus on creating lesson plans, meal plans and blog ideas.  But for now, while I'm not quite ready to leave Thomas, my "me time" has consisted of pampering myself in the bath and catching up on some inspirational reading and guidance.

I have felt a little overwhelmed recently at my 9 year old growing up so quickly and I've felt a little unprepared on how to navigate topics such as abortion, terrorist acts, material things, technology and even the very beginnings of the "birds and the bees" talks.  When my daughter asked me what a abortion was, my heart literally dropped and it made potty training feel like a piece of cake! Thankfully, she has not asked about sex yet, but it might not be as long as I hoped for the subject to arise, so I really want to be ready with a gentle yet informative response.  When my husband and I were first engaged, we did not have a true understanding of the Church's teachings on this topic. It wasn't until we were going through Pre Cana classes and were introduced to St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body that we truly began to understand God's design and plan for marriage and human sexuality.  I recently bought this book to read during my "Me Time" and then with my 9 yr old when she starts asking questions and I feel she is capable of understanding the information.  I feel a little more at peace knowing I have some resources to help me navigate this uncomfortable topic.
Another topic I have been concerned about lately, is entitlement.  We live in an age where you can receive instant gratification in so many avenues; shopping, communication, entertainment etc.  I really want to teach my children to be grateful regardless of their circumstances, obstacles and heartbreaks.  As we get older, there are so many times when life doesn't give us what we think we want and I feel the best way to overcome that is having a grateful heart.  Yesterday, was an absolutely beautiful day and one of my girls complained that it was "too hot"!!  She was half kidding, but it was still an opportunity to teach her the importance of expressing gratitude for the beautiful weather God provided.  I have started to read Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World during my "Me Time" in the bath and again, this book has given me confidence to approach this issue.

I always hesitate before publishing a post like this because I don't want to sound like I think I have all the answers (I know for certain that I don't HA!), but I love reading other Moms perspectives on these issues so I thought I'd offer mine as well.  What books, philosophies and practices on parenthood do you all recommend?  I'd love to hear your suggestions!

Lastly, I love to soak in the tub with my favorite essential oils and Epsom salts, and rejuvenate my skin and hair with various masks and conditioning treatments.  I wasn't intending on using this post as an ad to sell my favorite products, but if you are interested in more details, let me know!

Don't forget to check out what these other ladies do for their Me Time:

Madeline at CaseyLand
Rachel at Tutus and Heels
Monica at It's All About


  1. A long shower or bath is seriously the best! As for good books on parenting philosophies and such, I haven't picked any up yet... haha but I'm sure the time will come! The books you're reading sound very interesting!

    1. Yes! When my kids were babies and toddlers I pretty much went on my instincts, but as they get older, I see it becoming a little more complicated. Thanks for the comment!

  2. Another book I enjoyed about Entitlement is called The Entitlement Trap--it's so, so awesome! It's by the Eyers--they have 9 children and were on Oprah and all that. Parenting experts, for sure. They also wrote a book How to Talk to Your Kids About Sex, which I hear is great!

    1. Oooh Thanks!! I will have to check these out! Sounds great!

  3. Rose, I just read Wonderfully Made Babies to Maggie. Too funny about the timing of this blog. Great book. Glad you came upon it. I've been telling everyone I know about it too. After we read it with her (it only took about 15 mins) she thanked us for explaining everything. It was such a good experience.

    1. Kelly!!! That is so good to hear! Funny too because I totally meant to ask you if you had any resources! I must have read your mind! That's awesome you and Pete read it to her. Definitely a conversation we both need to be involved in. Love you guys! Hope you are feeling well!
