Hope you all a great weekend! I have been busy trying to get my little babe's weight up and increase my milk supply and quality. He is growing well but just on the slow side which is new to me! I have never had an issue with any of my other kiddos so I have been studying up on it like crazy! I saw a lactation consultant last week and she said he may also be a little tongue tied. You would think after five kids I would be able to pick up on something like that, but I had no clue! And I'd love some tips on increasing your supply if you have any. I am already taking the mother's milk supplement and brewer's yeast and it does seem to help.
Also, today is the last day of our $80 joining special and my offer to receive a FREE Essential Oil Diffuser so make sure to check it out! Anyway, hope you all are well! Thanks for reading!
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